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RoleplayLives helps you connect and explore new worlds.

RPL Terms Of Service / Rules

Membership Eligibility:
You must be at least 18 years of age to role play on this site, and confirm during registration. Content including pictures, story lines and other material is not suitable for underage viewers; therefore we are not held responsible for any minor who is left unsupervised to sign-up or distribute any information within our site if they lie on registration. By joining our site you agree that you are 18 years of age and old enough to be responsible for your own actions. All RoleplayLives members are seen as adult until otherwise noted. Once noted, RPL will remove the underage users from the site. If necessary, the person inviting or interacting with such members, if they are shown to be aware of the age without reporting it, can be given an infraction as well. As such, RoleplayLives does not violate any applicable law or regulation.

Content of Website: You are solely responsible for any content you upload to or hotlink on our site which means all pictures, graphic creations, story-lines, videos, etc you own, have a license from a third party to upload the specific content on the internet, or the content is in the public domain. This includes all elements contained in your content. Therefore, you should ONLY upload content that you intend to be solely responsible for. We are not legally responsible for the contents that our users post or upload to our site. Also remember that systems fail. Hard drives and servers are not infallible. If such a system crash happens and data is lost, we will, at our discretion, attempt to restore it. We are not responsible for unforeseen loss due to system failure, and urge people to practice safe back-up practices. Read our new AI policy here.

Dispute Between Members: You are solely responsible for your interactions with other members of this site. We reserve the right but are not obligated to monitor disputes between you and other members. We provide blocking features so you may block other users. Use it. If you cannot resolve a conflict with another member, then moderation may be initiated, and if that fails to solve the situation, both accounts may be deleted. This is a NO BULLYING site. Any instance of bullying, if proven, can and will result in immediate banning of the bully's ISP. And yes, posting private information, name-shaming, spreading rumors or making threats inbox, and attacking another directly in a public area is NOT tolerated. 'Call out posts' and 'Burn Book' type activity are NOT allowed under any circumstances. Handle your things privately like adults or admins, if alerted to it, will delete the information. No one deserves to be called out for slights. If your complaint involves this site's rules being broken, report it to an admin, otherwise it needs to be handled privately. Abuse directed at the site staff or admins will not be tolerated.

Cyberbullying and Authorities: If the situation warrants it, we reserve the right to provide the requester with a list of profiles on that IP to block to put an immediate stop to the issues. We are not obligated to do so, and we hold no accountability for others getting angry at this step, as we provide these only when the problems require a full stop by law. We are not willing to be held legally liable for people posting personal items and attacking others, and will, on request from authorities, provide information to authorities regarding IPs for cyber-bullying. RoleplayLives and its staff will abide by any and all law enforcement requests possible if charges are filed. We also will make every attempt to protect a user that has initiated such step, by providing them with said block list, and, if the other continues to contact, on a case by case basis the other person may be asked to leave the site or banned.

User Inactivity:
• Profiles with a log-in date and activity of greater than three months (90 days) are hereby considered 'abandoned' profiles and will be deleted.
• Accounts with fake email addresses/1 day without a verification of registered email.
• Accounts without a default profile image. We consider these abandoned profiles and as such, they will be removed from our system every 5 days to give ample time to rectify a missing photo/name.
• Accounts with 'test/tester' or similar 'blank' names in the name field and/or placeholder accounts may be removed at our discretion.
• Accounts created with the intent or suspected intent of malicious activity will be removed.

Forbidden Content (Applies to all pages, posts and communications, including hotlinking images):
• Content containing hate, discrimination, sexual orientation bashing, hacking, doxxing or otherwise violating the privacy of another member (including naming their accounts), and/or threatening another member(s).
• Content involving acts of pedophilia and/or adult content involving sex acts with a child even if both characters are child profiles. Child character profiles (where the character is under 18, regardless of the writer's age) who engage in sexual activity of any kind will be deleted and the users banned from the site.
• Pre-pubescent child characters (under age 16) may not be sexualized in any way, including information on their profile stating their sexual orientation or the account's shipping preferences. You may not ship a young child character under any circumstances.
• Bestiality is not permitted. Users who engage in that activity will have their profiles deleted and IP addresses banned. (Shifters are okay)
• Pornographic images containing underage individuals and/or images that depict the actual murder, rape, and/or torture of a person or people, without the aid of special effects, for the express purpose of distribution and entertainment or financial exploitation. Bestiality and any other illegal forms of sex or snuff photos that could put RoleplayLives at risk, at our or our host's discretion.
• Plagiarized or derivative content without credit given to the original source.
• Pirated or other illegally acquired or distributed content.
• Spam content (which includes excessive shitposting, bulk uploading of photos without writing, fundraising, advertising unrelated content, joining with the intent of stirring).

Content In Member Albums: The Member Albums is the section in which you upload images for to individual albums.
--Any suggestive material, the Description field must contain the following message: Adult Content. Must be 18 years old to view. (Reminder: This site is 18 plus only; however to protect ourselves, we require this message to be in the description field.) While suggestive pictures ARE allowed here as many of us are romance writers, be reasonable and courteous. Nudity may not be hotlinked in feed items. Porn is prohibited in any capacity. We want to keep this site safe for people to use in public areas and not have the feed full of tits and ass. You can post those privately in your 18+ photo album, however, or in blogs below a cut. The photo album must be labeled 18+ or Adults Only. Please don't use them as profile images or cover pictures. For more information, especially in regards to how "nudity" differs from "sex" here, please see

Reporting: The report button is built into the core code of the site. We hope you won't have to use it much, but here's when it might be necessary.

You MAY report the following: spam, bullying, discrimination/hate speech, child pornography, bestiality, obscene things that could get us in legal trouble (think, some of the more disturbing crap on Rotten dot com), or any other activity that violates the site rules/Terms of Service.

You MAY NOT report because you personally don't like something, because you want to get the other person in trouble, because you got mad at a storyline or post, because a person said "no" to sex chats, because of things that happened on FB or other sites, or because of other random petty annoyances.

Misuse of the Report button will lead to a warning. Multiple warnings will lead to the banning of your IP address on the site.

For valid reports, depending on the issue, the member being reported may receive a warning, an infraction (more serious), and ultimately if they cannot follow our rules, they will be banned. We may or may not follow up either privately or post publicly about the results of a report. Reports are meant to be confidential, so we will do everything we can to keep them that way.

We have very few rules, so do try to heed them.

If you become aware of another member breaking the site rules, it is your obligation as a member in good standing to report it.
Failure to do so may be considered an accessory after the fact and may also result in a warning, infraction, or ban for the member(s) failing to report.

Banning: Here at RPL, you may, at the admins' discretion, receive a warning. If you continue to cause issues, you may get up to 3 infractions. At 3 infractions, you will be automatically IP banned. We reserve the right to, at our discretion, remove warnings and infractions. We also reserve the right to ban member IPs immediately if you are consistently caught being an issue on the site that makes the site unwelcome for others, you are found to have plagiarized content, or your behavior egregiously and knowingly violates these terms of service or lacks basic human decency. If you are caught knowingly inviting any banned members back into the site, or not alerting admins that someone who is banned has returned to the site, you yourself risk being banned if we have proof of the violation. Tor exit nodes and other medium to high risk traffic is unwelcome at RPL. Invitation requests and membership status will not be granted to those on VPNs, proxy servers, or to those using any other method of disguising themselves online due to the risk of malicious activity.

**Do note that threatening legal action, collaborating in legal action, or having legal actions brought against you means that we must remove you from the site once we're aware of it, as it then becomes a liability.**


Roleplaying on RoleplayLives means that you agree to these terms. Failure to comply with our terms of service may result in the deletion of your account as well as the banning of your IP address. These terms may be changed at any time if deemed necessary. Regardless of previous copies, this page on the RPL footer holds the most recent, up to date, current copy.